Hello Excellent Visitor,
I'm Matthew a product designer and this is where I'm supposed to wax poetic about my experience. My desire to stay on the leading edge of design and technology. How I’ve pushed to find the right clients and companies to do just that. But If you’ve read my LinkedIn profile, or have downloaded my resume then you already know those things. So this is about a different portion of me. The portion that makes the other portion, work as well as it does.
I enjoy being still, and examining myself and the world around me. I like understanding a person’s worldview; via watching them have a debate about their ideas. Whether they are political, sports, or whether purple martians from the planet Jupiter exist; it is utterly fascinating being able to step into another persons universe. Oddly enough, isn’t that what design is about. The willingness to understand someone else's world.
Cooking for people is like that. It forces you to appreciate them, because at times there is nothing more discerning than someone’s palette. That rapacious, uncompromising organ can be the beginning of an exceptional night, or a horrid trip. It’s amazing when you think about it.
So I invite you to sit and be still for 5 minutes...But first, contact me : )
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.